About us

Now, thanks to SpeedGeo, in just 30 seconds you can check who offers the fastest Internet in your area .

SpeedGeo is an innovative solution that allows users to compare Internet speeds in their immediate area based on speed tests performed by other users.

Our project was launched in 2024 to respond to the growing demand for a tool to check and compare Internet speeds in the immediate vicinity of the Internet user. Until now, such comparisons were mainly available at the country or city level, which often did not reflect real differences in network quality depending on a specific location. SpeedGeo is based on close collaboration with users - the more tests are carried out in different parts of the world, the more accurate our comparisons will be at the local level .

Our offer

The project is the next stage of the development of V-SPEED, which has been providing tools for measuring Internet speed since 2006. After 2011, with the revolution of mobile devices, our platform was expanded to include applications for Android and iOS, and later also for Windows and macOS.

We offer both free and commercial applications and systems for checking the speed and quality of Internet connections, as well as tools for analysing measurements results in real time:

  • SpeedGeo Analytics,
  • applications for Internet providers (ISP),
  • applications for regulators,
  • applications for non-telco industries.

The popularity of our solutions gives us great opportunities to provide advertising space and increase your company’s image awareness.

We provide popular mobile speed test apps, available in Google Play and AppStore:

and also manage local measurement portals:

and the global measurement platform: https://www.fireprobe.net/.

Cooperation with Operators and Regulators

V-SPEED cooperates with large Internet providers, such as Orange and T-Mobile, in the provision and analysis of data, which contributes to improving the quality of connections provided to the Internet users. Operators provide measurement servers in their infrastructure, which ensures adequate capacity of the measurement platform connections and enables reliable measurements.

Since 2018, in Poland, thanks to our Internet quality monitoring mechanism (PRO Speed ​​Test) certified by the Office of Electronic Communications, consumers have access to a tool whose reports can be used for complaint purposes.

If you want to cooperate, please contact us.