Add your server

Reference servers used for performing speed test measurements are the most important elements of SpeedGeo platform. Before each test, our applications select the best servers based on location and latency. If you are an Internet or hosting provider and want to make your server available on the SpeedGeo, follow the instructions below.

How to add your server?

Adding and managing server configuration is carried out via our FIREPROBE infrastructure platform. The servers there are available for all SpeedGeo applications. The server adding module is located at:

First register a user account. Then, after logging in, go to the "Servers" tab and select the "Add new Server" button. The form with basic information about the server will be displayed and instructions for installing the required software (in Python 3) will be available. The hardware and software requirements for such server are:

  • dedicated (recommended) or virtual server with a modern Linux system, e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS,
  • Min. 2 GB of RAM, Min. 2 CPU cores,
  • Min. 1 Gb/s Internet connection in both directions,
  • Python 3.6+,
  • Python 3 OpenSSL (pyOpenSSL),
  • current OpenSSL library.

After correct installation of the software and activation of the server in the FIREPROBE dashboard, you should test the server. To do this, create a free web application in the "Apps" tab and run it in the browser to perform test measurements.

A correctly added server will be activated within a few days after verification.

What are the benefits of adding your own server?

First of all, a server closer to the user means a shorter network path, lower delays and potentially better measurement results. Adding your own server is therefore a tangible benefit for the operator whose customers measure their internet speed at SpeedGeo.