
  1. The average SpeedGeo users test results for a given area , presented in the table, were performed in the last 12 months.
  2. We need up to 24 hours to process the test results before including them in the statistics for .
  3. In we present the average test results per Internet provider, having device location with accuracy up to 100 meters, regardless of their count, therefore they should be treated as illustrative/indicative, and not as a form of ranking.
  4. If the location accuracy is not enough, the results will only be included in country statistics.
  5. Before we determine average values in published statistics, we analyse the data in detail in terms of their integrity and fraud detection. We automatically aggregate raw results for provider, user, and location and connection technology over a set period of time using continuously developed algorithms. Thanks to this, we average redundant measurement results made by single users, which could impact on the statistical results.
  6. We determine the provider names based on the user's public IP address from information available in RIPE, provided directly from the operator or from other sources.
  7. Internet speed depends on many factors and in a specific location it may be different than our statistics for the selected area .